Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Know about Cyber Squatting

Cyber Squatting

Cybersquatting is the practice of registering an Internet domain name that is likely to be wanted by another person, business, or organization in the hope that it can be sold to them for a profit. 

In Simple it is an unauthorized registration and use of Internet domain names that are identical or like trademarks, service marks, company names, or personal names. So, in the other word it is called domain squatting.

It involves the registration of trademarks and trade names as domain names by third parties, who do not possess rights in such names. Simply put, cyber squatters (or bad faith imitators) register trademarks, trade names, business names and so on, belonging to third parties with the common motive of trading on the reputation and goodwill of such third parties by either confusing customers or potential customers, and at times, to even sell the domain name to the rightful owner at a profit. As of study it was found that since 2012, nearly about 2,800 complaints have been filed involving domain name squatting.

That means You have spent many years and a lot of money building your business’s brand. But what you feel when someone could erase a lot of that customization by buying a low cost $10 domain that looks like yours?

There are several types of cybersquatting available such as;

  • Typo squatting
  • Celebrity Name
  • TLDs Exploitation
  • Misleading Subdomain
  • Gripe Sites
  • Look-Alike Domain
  • Expiration Date Exploitation
  • Homograph Attacks

To Prevent Cybersquatting, you need to check following techniques

  • Consult your legal team and follow rules and procedures. There are acts documented such as Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA), World Intellectual property organization.
  • Register Your organization or business quickly.
  • Double-Check the Spelling of the Website to Avoid Typo squatting.
  • Review your website in regular basis.
  • Always check SSL/TLS certificate in the web application.

If you have further suggestions please comment below.


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