IP Internet Protocol
is the internet layer. It uses each packet’s Address. It uses routing Table by
which it decides where a packet is to be sent choosing its best path
An IP Header feature are as below;
- Version : it describes IP version no.
- Header length: HLEN in 32 bit
- Priority & Type of Service: It describes how the datagram should be handled.
- Total Length: Length of the packet including header & data.
- Identification: Unique IP Packet value used to differentiate fragmented packets from diff data grams.
- Flags : Specifies whether fragmentation should occur.
- Fragment offset: provides fragmentation & allows different maximum transmission unit MTUS on the internet.
- TTL : Time to Leave: TTL is set in to the packet when generated for reaching at destination within time limit. Otherwise it get Lost.
- Protocol : Port of upper layer protocol. (tcp-6 & udp-17)
- Header Check sum: CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check Only) on header.
- Source IP Address: 32-bit IP address of Sender.
- Destination IP address: 32-bit IP address of Receiver/ Destination .
- Options: It is Used for testing [ network, debug, security].
- Data: After the IP option field is the upper layer data.