Network HUB
A HUB is a device, used in a LAN environment or used for connecting more than one computer. It has many number of PORTS for connection via UTP (RJ 45)cable. It is a small rectangular plastic box type having 4-5 PORTS. Similarly Large HUBS ranges from 8,12, 24 PORTS.
- When a message (DATA) is passed from one computer to the HUB, then the HUB broadcasts the message to all of its PORTS means all other computers can access in the same time. Which may occur Collision in the DATA access, transfer .
- One Advantage of using HUB is its very less expensive compared to switches.
- The Disadvantage is ,the ports lie in single collision domain. The message or data comes to the HUB repeats many time at ports. Its non secure as DATA can be tracked or hacked.

HUBs are physical layer ( L1 ) devices and may be called as multiport repeater. Due to the broadcast feature, the packet frame is passed through all ports.
Its basically useful for Home use or smaller networks as they are unmanaged.