Basics of E1/T1 Link or Data rate
It is the Basic Data rate of communication in telecommunication. It is the lowest level of the Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy (PDH) and is among the most common ways of transmitting voice & data over telephone and data networks. Physically E1 is transmitted as 32 timeslots.
E0=64 kbits/second
E1=2.048 kbits/s
E2=8.448 Mbits/s
E3=34.368 Mbits/s
E4=139.264 Mbits/s
E5=564.992 Mbits/s
E1 Link
E0=64 kbits/second
E1=2.048 kbits/s
E2=8.448 Mbits/s
E3=34.368 Mbits/s
E4=139.264 Mbits/s
E5=564.992 Mbits/s
E1 Link
- E1 link operates over two separate sets of wires. Usually Twisted pair cables.
- A nominal 3volt peak signal is encoded with pulses using a method that avoids long periods without polarity changes.
- This is an ideal for voice telephone calls where the voice is sampled.
- The line data rate of E1 is 2.048 Mbits/S. full duplex [2.048 Mbits/s upstream and downstream] which is split in to 32 time slots each being allocated 8 bits in turn.
- So each time slot sends and receives an 8bits/s of sample.
- 8000 times per second = 8* 8000* 32 = 2,048,000.
- The timeslots are numbered from 0-31.
- One timeslot ( TS0 ) is reserved for framing purposes and alternately transmits a fixed pattern.
TS0= Synchronization, Alarm transport, international carrier use.
E1 has 30 circuits.
One timeslot [ TS16] is often reserved for signalling purpose to control call setup and teardown according to telecommunication protocol.
This includes channel associating Signaling ( CAS ) where a set of bits is used opening and closing the ckt. where CAS is known as per trunk signaling , a form of digital communication.
Here two types of physical delivery option are available for E1:
Here two types of physical delivery option are available for E1:
- UNBALANCED [120w]: COPPER WIRE 4 [ One pair for TX ( 4+5) one pair for RX ( 1+2)
- BALANCED [75w]: COAX with BNC connector [one cable for RX and one cable for TX]
The E1 framing is the first level in the digital hierarchy. The E1 frame carries 30 voice channels in a 256-bit frame. Since 30 channels only require 240 bits; 16 bits are available for framing, signaling, error checking and supervisory communications. These extra 16 bits are divided into two groups of 8 bits each.
A group of E1 circuits bundled on to higher capacity E3 links between telephone exchanges or countries. This allows a network operator to provide a end-to-end E1 circuit between customers in different countries that share single high capacity links between them.
- E3 has 480 circuits.
- E3 has 512 timeslots and data rate as 34.368 Mbits/s.